Victoria (Koegle) Barkan
About Me And The Monkeys
Why Do People Do What They Do And Think The Way They Think?
I entered the study of the mind through my art. I moved on to curriculums like Landmark Education, the Psych-K process and extensive study of Dr. David Hawkins’ work and the Map of Consciousness. Self-education was always a passion but became a drive once leaving my Cable Career. Through my extensive readings and learnings, I feel like I have earned a doctorate in this area.
Visiting All Seven Continents
My world travels have also added to my study of the human mind. Traveling to all seven continents and many third world countries allowed me to observe how different cultures and their diverse educational programming has created independent traditions that differing education would dispel. During my travels, I watched how cognitive dissonance inhibited a person or cultures growth.
What Are The Monkeys?
As I describe in my first book, The Monkeys Rule, the subconscious mind combined with many other facets is what I call the Monkeys. In exploring this topic all of my experiences from Landmark education to working with Native Americans have led me to understand the subconscious beliefs that held me back and the world the reprogramming of those ideologies has opened.
Experiential Education
Landmark education is pure experiential education. It gives you an opportunity to see how you are being with others. In my case, I was invisible. They asked you to change seats and get to know the other participants…not me. I sat in the same seat throughout the three days of the forum probably with my arms folded projecting the energy that if you talked to me I would cut off your head…and then I wondered why everyone was making friends and no one talked to me. Of course, I was oblivious to this in the moment. I laugh at all of it now but at the time it simply brought up much anger.
Native American Tree Hugging
Eight years of studying with native Americans taught me to open my scientifically trained, prove-it-to-me mind to the unexplained, there-is-no-proof-mind. This is where I really started a focus on energy as it applies to my vibrational frequency and what I attract into my life. I will never forget the first time I hugged a tree. The feeling of being hugged back with unconditional love overwhelmed me and I found myself sobbing for joy.
Breaking The Barriers That Keep You From Being Your Most Successful
Psych-K is a modality that is about 30 years old. (See Psyck-K: The Missing Piece, Peace in Your Life by Robert M.Williams) It uses kinesiology to muscle test for subconscious belief statements that serve as barriers to being your most successful self. It is an art in itself. Once barrier beliefs are found there are things you can do that reprogram the subconscious. It is a permission protocol and the person’s higher self guides the process. The facilitator is constantly checking for permission to test and what modalities to use to reprogram. Here’s an example…In the first class, I muscle tested the statement “Painting is easy and fun for me.” It tested true. I said to the facilitator, “Then why am I not painting?” She changed two words in the statement to, “I believe painting is easy and fun for me.” That tested weak or not true so we did some reprogramming work and then I started painting again.
Writing this book has been a test of this art form as there were many issues of writer’s block that showed their ugly head. Writer’s block is nothing more than a subconscious belief keeping you from moving forward. One of mine was that I had a subconscious belief that all rich people were evil. Of course, if my book became successful I could become rich therefore evil. That one took some undoing.
The Demarcation Line Between Negative Energy And Positive Energy
In my opinion, the Map of Consciousness is simply a roadmap to enlightenment, peace and happiness. It explains how people think and behave at different levels. I have been studying Dr. Hawkins for 10 years now and have read all of his books, most several times, listened to his lectures, and participated in a study group for 7 years. On this scale, 200 is the demarcation line between negative energy and positive energy. Below 200 is life-threatening and fallacious, above that courage and integrity develop and energy is life supporting. Below 200 the person is all about the self…how do I survive at your expense. Above 200 one starts thinking about others…what do we need to do for all of us to survive. Very few people calibrate above 500 which is love. 80% of the world calibrates below 200 and in the USA 50%+ are below 200. The good news is those that calibrate above 200 are offsetting those that calibrate below 200. The level of love offsets millions of those below 200. Love energy will always conquer hate energy. Jesus, Buddha, and Khrisna all calibrated at 1000 which is as high as one can go in this carbon-based body.
My Mission
If I can help others increase their love energy (vibrational frequency) my mission is complete.